Academic lyceum of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages was established in 2004 on the basis of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 473 of October 29, 2003 under the name of Academic Lyceum No. 2 under Samarkand State University.
Our academic lyceum was transferred to the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 26, 2017 PQ-3290 "On further improving the system of targeted training of candidates for admission to higher education." specializes in in-depth teaching of languages. These include English, Russian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and German langauages.
Check out the latest events on the activities of the Academic Lyceum.
The winners of the scholarships "Rector's scholarship" and "the pride of our academic lyceum"
Akademik litseyida ta'lim jarayonlarining sifat va samaradorligini hamda xorijiy tillarni o‘rganishga bo‘lgan qiziqishini yananda oshirish, o‘quvchilarning bilim-ko‘nikmalarini bundanda mustahkamlash maqsadida xorijiy davlatlarning oliy ta'lim muassasalaridan xorijlik til mutaxassislari o‘quv jarayoniga jalb etilmoqda.
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Akademik litsey masofaviy ta`lim tizimi
Milliy ta`lim kitoblari bazasi, o`quv materiallari, hujjatlar arxivi.
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Litseyimizda qo‘shimcha to‘garaklar ham tashkil qilingan bo‘lib unda o‘quvchilarimiz shaxsiy va ilmiy rivojlanishlari uchun barcha sharotilar yaratib berilgan.